بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

One brother made a website to make this information reach the world, can you please translate my work to any Language to make Qur’aan available to the world, please visit http://rahjx.net/msad.htm. You can see the message in English/عربي in the attachment, please open. If you want your translation may carry your name world wide, make you known.

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

A Deep Study-5

Bismillah is a safe Haven

      Al Hamdu Lillah who made me a Muslim by faith not a Muslim by birth, Al Hamdu Lillah who gave me some knowledge to light the darkness ahead of me, and allowed me to share this light with others who need and longed for. Ya Allah, please keep helping me, I am nothing without you, I am no body if you departed my side, please stay with me. And the end of our Dua is: Al Hamdu Lillah Rabbal Aaalamein (Ayah 10:10).

      Now we know how to approach the book with love and respect, based over what Allah wants, we also spoke a little about the first word in the Noble book from Allah. The first words are:

Bismmillah Al Rahmaan Al Raheim   بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

My friend, do you know Allah has a safe Haven for those who seek Him, do you know Allah has a wonderful residence in the day after for those who love and obey, do you know we are so undeserving yet He does not care, He created, He cared, and He wishes to place us among the best of His creation from the Angels. Do you also know all this has a door entrance, to enter this loving mercy from Allah, all this starts with: بِسْمِ, can you please come to understand this?

      Yes, one of the important keys that open the doors of mercy, the doors of Paradise, the doors of love from Allah, and the doors to His safe haven is: بِسْمِ, imagine, did you ever try to think about this before today, if no, then why not, if no, then are you about to, please give me your hand, let us walk together on the way to Heaven today?

      They say: the best chance in life may come only once, if you realized, if you can benefit from, then you got it made, how sad, all this is about a short life that they speak about and wish to pursue badly, not knowing how this is not life that has death at the end, this is one level of an early death itself, but true life is that which is eternal at the other end after this. My friend, if true chances come once, Qur’aan is here every second of our life today, why seek that which may come while you are sleeping and cannot benefit from, and leave behind that which is sure and in your hand by day and by night calling: here I am, when will you come, when you will realize the importance of things that matter most, not things that last for a short time, and are temporary, when? 

      Let us look how بِسْمِ is a key for a lot, let us look at a couple of examples from the Noble Qur’aan. Ayah 11:41 says:

وَقَالَ ارْكَبُواْ فِيهَا بِسْمِ اللّهِ مَجْرَاهَا وَمُرْسَاهَا إِنَّ رَبِّي لَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ

“he said: ride in it in the name of Allah its floating and its docking, my LORD is wonderfully Merciful and forgiving”. Noah used Bism here to give comfort to all creation that will survive the flood, he also placed the safety of this ship in the hands of a loving Allah. In the name of Allah ride in it, in the name of Allah you will have no harm. Ayah 27:30:

إِنَّهُ مِن سُلَيْمَانَ وَإِنَّهُ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

“it is from Solomon, and it is in the name of Allah the Merciful and Gracious in His Mercy”, as you can see here, Solomon was a Muslim as all the men of the LORD, we will talk about this some other time Insha Allah. We notice this is an Ayah with a number for those who ask if it is, we notice this Ayah here is the balance to make the number of this Ayah to come to 114 matching the number of the Surahs (chapters) in the Noble Qur’aan. I said before we will speak about it later, and here it is. Solomon here used it as a heading of his letter to Bilqees the queen of Sheba, before she learned how to say Allah is one.

      No need to say: بِسْمِ is a word that came at the beginning of every Surah (chapter) in the Noble Qur’aan except one (9), at the beginning as a key that opens the wonderful world of the words from Allah. Yes my friend, you too can come under this shadow of Bismillah, you too are invited now, today, to come, why should you leave this till another day. Why wait for a one time life chance that may or may not come, for a chance about this life that is part of death, while you leave an offer that lasts as you last on this Earth, leaving that which is available every second in time, with every breath Allah allows you to take, with every second you waste before you come and use the blessing of Bism, when you will join us under the umbrella of Bism my friend, we will be waiting, we will not falter, we will not tier, or feel desperate, we will always have hope you too will show up one day, and come to hide in the shade of Allah using this key of Bismillah, so please do not wait.

      Stop wondering about issues that are obvious, Qur’aan is the best there is, the words of Allah are above and elevated over any other book under the Heavens, you left this book behind your back for too long, are you still in the wish to leave this till another day, till when, do you have a promise you will out live this waiting, do you have a promise that waiting is for sure the best choice you made, my friend, come do not hesitate, you are not making me wait, you are making Allah waits. 

What will you do with this message; will you help me reach others, tell them about this effort, forward, or send me their E mails?

Please work for the sake of Allah, and your sake.

Is Qur’aan from Allah?

      The last time we answered this individual, we said how the Ayahs of Allah gave us a clear indication that Earth is round, and what this sad Example for a human being said is wrong, Allah did not say Earth is Stable and motionless. On the other hand, Allah made it clear in the noble Qur’aan how Earth is moving; this is contrary to what this Christian from Egypt said, how? In the matter of fact Allah gave us clear indications how everything on Earth moves, not just Earth, this man is such a sad example. Ayah 20:45 says:

أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى رَبِّكَ كَيْفَ مَدَّ الظِّلَّ وَلَوْ شَاء لَجَعَلَهُ سَاكِنًا ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَا الشَّمْسَ عَلَيْهِ دَلِيلًا

“haven’t you seen how your LORD extended the shadow, and if He wishes it will stand still with no changes, then He made the Sun stands as a clear indication over such a thing”. If Earth is not moving, if there is no motion in it, the stand still object will not have a shadow that starts so small, and then grows into an extension, then reduction back to how it started. We think the Sun is the reason why, the Sun in the matter of fact is an indication, a guiding instrument over such, the Sun is not the reason behind the changes in the shadow, but the reason behind its existence, the cause behind its movement is how the Earth turns in its relation to the Sun that shines in the Heavens. Therefore, according to Allah, the Shadow has two major factors over how it behaves, one factor is what causes the shadow to exists (the Sun), and the other factor is what causes the shadow to change in size and length (Earth Movement).

      Allah is telling us clearly, when He says: and we made the Sun as an indication that guides us to this wonderful Scientific issue, the Sun is not the cause for this change in how long is the shadow, but an indication to show us what Allah says. Notice how Allah speaks about the shadow and says: how He extended lengthened the shadow, then the whole issue is about the changes that take place in the shadow itself. Therefore we say: the indications that Earth is not motionless, but moving always, continuously was given clearly in the Noble Qur’aan, this Shadow issue is a daily fact of life. Ayah 79:31 says:

وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ دَحَاهَا أَخْرَجَ مِنْهَا مَاءهَا وَمَرْعَاهَا 

“and Earth after this Dahaa (will explain Insha Allah), brought from it its water and its vegetation”. Now in those two Ayahs we have a lot to speak about, let us first speak about the part that speaks about Water. Allah says how He brought Water inside our planet out of it. Now, some non Muslims attack us and say: this is not scientific, let us see. Now, some thought how bringing the water out of it means Water springs, which is not true, why? Ayah 18:33 says: and we exploded between the two Gardens a river. 36:34 says: and we blasted in it eyes of water Springs (Wells), therefore, when Allah speaks about Wells, He says how a blasting in the Earth’s solid layer happens to bring forth water to the surface, however, in the Ayah above Allah said: and He brought its water out of it. The word خروج, means when something exit a certain place, like if you are in the house, and you leave, then you are no more in the house period, you are completely removed out of it.

      Therefore, in this Ayah Allah is not speaking about Wells on the surface as non Muslims think, and as sad translations lead them to believe and accept. Removed here means the water should leave Earth in a way no more touching exists, and how we understand this? Recently, Scientists discovered how the water inside our planet left from deep inside through Volcanic Eruptions, forming clouds which are full with water vapor, then going into clouds that moves above the surface in certain distance without escaping into outer space due to the Gravity Allah made, then hitting cold Areas in the sky above, dropping down as rain. Imagine, all this movement and this Christian thinks Allah said Earth is stable and motionless. Allah made it clear how everything on Earth is moving, Earth is alive, not dead.

      What do we have in this simple picture here says: water leaves from deep inside our Earth through Eruptions, to form clouds which are rich with water vapor, then goes to other places with gentle wind, dropping down as rain, then moving about like streams washing the surface, then reaches the Sea and the Oceans to sleep in. This created the Oceans in the first place, then little by little Earth temperature cooled down, less Eruptions water became in abundance on the surface, now we have still few Eruptions, but the water evaporates now from every wet surface, forming clouds, dropping rain, making the whole picture so alive and moving, and if this does not happen, water on Earth will rot and smell bad, but this how Allah is wonderful in what He does always. So much Allah told us about how everything on Earth moves, including Earth itself, then where this Christian and his like get there false information at, and why they attack with ignorance that which they do not understand, it would be better if he asks us, we are more than happy to explain everything their minds cannot comprehend.

      Next time Insha Allah we will speak about the rest of the words of the Ayahs explaining how Earth became round in shape, while it was not always this way. To be continued Insha Allah.

Arabic Qur’aan

Learn how to read Sourah 1

فَإِذَا قَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الْشَيْطَانِ الْرَجِيْم

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

The last time we spoke about the first thing we need to recite before reading Qur’aan, in seeking the help from Allah against the evil of Satan, now let us start learning how to read the Surah (chapter) itself, let us start with Surah one of Al Fateha please. Now that we recited and learned how to read:

أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الْشَيْطَانِ الْرَجِيْم

We are ready to proceed reading from the Qur’aan, and the first Ayah we see:

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Very well, let us start learning how to read this Ayah 1:1,

      بِسْمِ: Let us start with the first word, which means; in the name of; بسم, please notice, there is a Dash under the بـِ , which reads like Be. We have ه above the letter; سـ ْ, and this will silence the letter making it sound like a silent S. We have a Dash under the letter مـِ, and it reads; me. The whole word reads; Besme. Take things as simple as you see, you will learn quickly Insha Allah, but please lean the Arabic, do not stay in focus over the English help here.

اللّهِ: Now notice the tone ّ above the لّـ in الله, which gives double the L. الله has a silent ا A at the beginning, then we have a silent لـْ, making the sound: Al so far, then we have another لـ but this time with two tones, one for doubling the letter ّ and another for making an A sound َ , which make the L sound like LLA. Then we have the letter ـه with a dash at the bottom to make it sound like Hi. The name sounds like: Allahi in continuous reading, but if you stop, then it is only Allah without the little dash at the end. Every one knows how to say; Allah, now we need to notice the fact that the word; بسم, is joined with the name الله during the reading, which will give us; Besmellah. Notice also that there is a dash under the last letter in the name of اللهِ, which makes it sound like; Allahi. Then we get; Besmillahi.

الرَّحْمـَنِ: Notice the َّ in الرَّحمن, this doubles the sound of the letter ر R, now, we have a silent ا A, then a silent لـ L, which gives us: Al. Then we have ّ and on top of it َ , all which will make the letter ر sounds like: RRA, also the ْ above the letter حْـ which makes it silent in tone, pronounced letter wise. Then we have a Dash ِ under the letter نِِ making it sound like a Ni. Now this whole name sounds like: Alrahmani.

      الرَّحِيمِ: The same goes for الرَّحيم. Starting with a silent ا A, and a silent لـ L, making it sound like Al. Then we have ّ and on top of it َ , all which will make the letter ر sounds like: RRA, also the ِ  below the letter حـ which makes it sounds like Hhi, pronounced (please see the table of the letters you learned this from before). Then we have the letter يـ E, silent, followed my the letter م with a Dash at the bottom to make it sound like Me. Although we have a dash under the م ِ, we do not give it the tone of ME, because it came at the end of the Ayah. Any letter at the end of the Ayah should be silenced, except if you continued the reading and joined it with the following Ayah. Any letter we stop at, should be silenced even if it has a tone. Now let us read the whole Ayah: Besmillahi-lrahmanil Raheim. However, to read each word separately, this is how it sounds: Bism Allah Alrahman Alraheim. As I gave you before a link to many good recitation from known men who recite the Noble Qur’aan, using this help here, listening to the recitations I gave you a link for, I hope all this will help you Insha Allah. If you have any questions please ask me.

      Please notice that when you read this Ayah correctly, this will enables you to read 114 Ayahs in the Noble Qur’aan, and that is how many times this Ayah show up in the book of Allah, good luck to all. To be continued

رَبِّيْ زِدْنِي عِلْماً والْحقِقْنِي بِالْصَالِِحِيْن وِالْحَمْدُ لِلَّه رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
