



بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Qur’aan Deep Study-9

Defending Islam with knowledge

      Al Hamdu Lillah, Masha Allah, La Quah Illa Billah. Ya Allah, please come to our help, we need you like we never did, and never will in this life before it ends, please make Muslims realize the danger they are in, and their need to stand up to defend Islam with knowledge. And the end of our Dua: Al Hamdu Lillah Rabbal Aaalamein in this life and at the other end.

      Al Salaam Aleikum, I welcome the newly added to this effort for the sake of Allah, I hope to make this effort a wake up call to all Muslims in the world to come and defend Islam with knowledge, please notice, this post is not a long message, it is three short messages, one about Qur’aan, another is a debate with none Muslims, and the third is for those who want to learn how to read Qur’aan in Arabic, so please do not think this is too long, read what you like from it. Today, since we do not have good translations, I am working on Translating the Qur’aan, Al Hamdu Lillah, soon Insha Allah I will present Surahs one & two to the world. The first words in Qur’aan are:

Bismmillah Al Rahmaan Al Raheim   بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

The last time we spoke about how non Muslims are attacking Allah SWT, Qur’aan and Muhammad SAW with evil words and from the darkness of their illiteracy, and we said: we need to blame ourselves, if we did our job in this regard, if we did what we are supposed to do, none of this would have happened. Let us educate ourselves, and then try to put some light into the darkness of the hearts of those who attack if at all possible. How long back Allah existed, and how we can teach them? As we discussed before, the word God is a pagan invention, we said: Jews follow Moses SAW, and Moses SAW used to call Allah by Elloh, or Elloheim, also Isa SAW (Jesus) for those who claim to follow this wonderful Christ, none of the men of the LORD ever heard of this pagan word: God, so please stop calling Allah by God, then explain to all of them why the word God is pagan in origin.

      Since the English Language did not exist during the time of the prophets, and the pagan word God is an invention, also the French Dio that means Heaven, or the German Gut that means good, or the Greek Theo, or the Spanish Monsenior which means master, since none of this is true, then what is His name? We Muslims tell them that His name is Allah, but this is not enough, if we open the Jewish and Christian books in the Arabic versions, we see this is written in the first words then through all the books everywhere the pagan word God is mentioned, Allah is mentioned in Arabic, but they altered and changed all of this. Their books say: في البدء خلق الله السموات والارض, which translates to: In the beginning Allah created the heavens and the Earth. This is copied from one of their books direct. What does this means? It means even according to Jews and Christians, and as what is found in their Arabic books, Allah is the name of the LORD period from the beginning, and nothing else. Of course they know the LORD existed Eternity before.

      Now we can tell them, even in the Noble Qur’aan; Allah was spoken about from the very start, let us bring an example even as soon as Allah created man, Ayah 5:28:

لَئِن بَسَطتَ إِلَيَّ يَدَكَ لِتَقْتُلَنِي مَا أَنَاْ بِبَاسِطٍ يَدِيَ إِلَيْكَ لَأَقْتُلَكَ إِنِّي أَخَافُ اللّهَ

“if you moved your hand to kill me, I will not move my hand to kill you, I fear Allah”. As we see how mankind knew and feared Allah since the beginning of time, and this story is about Cane and Able the sons of Adam as mentioned in the books in our hands. Allah existed Eternity before this. Then what is wrong with those who invent stories about Allah, this is simple, ignorance is our worst enemy, and those who attack Qur’aan are full with such.

      Since this is how things are, did pagans knew about Allah before Muhammad SAW and his message, yes of course, we just finished saying: Allah existed Eternity past, was spoken about by all of his men, we showed examples from both books as well so far. Therefore, Pagans even before the time of Muhammad SAW knew Allah, the name of the father of our prophet SAW was Abdullah, which means: the servant of Allah. Let us read Ayah 39:3 says about Pagans:

أَلَا لِلَّهِ الدِّينُ الْخَالِصُ وَالَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِهِ أَوْلِيَاء مَا نَعْبُدُهُمْ إِلَّا لِيُقَرِّبُونَا إِلَى اللَّهِ زُلْفَى إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَهُمْ فِي مَا هُمْ فِيهِ يَخْتَلِفُونَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي مَنْ هُوَ كَاذِبٌ كَفَّارٌ

“Those who took worshiped that which is less than Allah saying: we do not worship them except that they bring us closer to Allah”. Yes, they knew Allah, but they say as some say today: we are unworthy, and we need a mediator from priests or those who are dead in the graves to bring us closer/mediate between us and Allah. Yes, Allah was known to none Believers from the pagans, this does not mean Allah is an Idol pagan God as the ignorant say about that. None of the Idols Arab pagans or any other pagans ever was called by the name of Allah as the ignorant say and spread evil temptations of their evil hearts.

      See, this is simple, we need to ask: even this God that those worship, was he not known in pagan times, does that make him a pagan God, why people show evil as such? Even if pagans of all times worshipped Allah, does not make Allah a pagan God, but makes pagan deviating when they worship anything else besides. Say you believe a God, and non believers know but they do not worship that God, does this make your God a pagan one? Now as for what some claim how Allah is the Moon God we tell all of them:

وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ اللَّيْلُ وَالنَّهَارُ وَالشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ لَا تَسْجُدُوا لِلشَّمْسِ وَلَا لِلْقَمَرِ وَاسْجُدُوا لِلَّهِ الَّذِي خَلَقَهُنَّ إِن كُنتُمْ إِيَّاهُ تَعْبُدُونَ

“from His Ayahs (miracles) the night and the Day, the Sun and the Moon, do not bow in worship to the Sun or to the Moon, but worship Allah who created all of that if you believe in Allah” (41:37). Next time you find an evil soul saying: Allah is the Moon God, read this Ayah and ask: do you understand? Ayah 14:33 says:

وَسَخَّر لَكُمُ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ دَآئِبَينَ وَسَخَّرَ لَكُمُ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ

“Allah subdued for you (people) the Sun and the Moon with no break in serving you, and He subdued for you the Night and the day too”. Since the Moon is subdued to us, then if there is worship proper for anything in the universe apart from Allah, the Moon may worship us, not that we may worship the Moon please tell those evil who twist all of such.

To Be Continued Insha Allah

What you will do with this message; will you help me reach others, tell them about this effort, forward, or send me their E mails? Please work for the sake of Allah, and for your place in Paradise.

      Again I say: I am working on Surahs one and two, soon you will have a translation for those two, then we will proceed till we present the world with a good translation Insha Allah, I need your help, can you please just translate since no one wants to help me with the deep study? All I am asking is for simple translation to any language you can, if you are willing, please send me a message and tell me what Language you can translate the Noble Qur’aan to with my help Insha Allah.

Is Qur’aan from Allah?

      Al Salaam Aleikum, I remind all of you: this section is about a Debate with none Muslims who want to shed doubts about Qur’aan being from Allah, a little effort in preparing you to defend Islam with knowledge Insha Allah. Let us bring his next false claim, he is bringing Geographic Questions, look at his Geography and laugh. He said: question 3: the stars are stoning for the Devils, he brought Ayah 67:5 thinking it says: the stars are for stoning the Devils. This is an Arab Christian, reading Qur’aan in Arabic, imagine what kind of a nightmare we have in this evil soul and his like. 

If you click on the picture, then you can pull to make it big and clear. As I said before, ignore him, look at the words of Allah; read those words carefully, and try to understand, Ayah 67:5 says:

وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّا السَّمَاء الدُّنْيَا بِمَصَابِيحَ وَجَعَلْنَاهَا رُجُومًا لِّلشَّيَاطِينِ وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابَ السَّعِيرِ

“We (Allah) decorated the first sky with light producing objects, and We made it with stoning to the Devils, also prepared for them Hell punishment as well”. Please follow this with me, Allah started by speaking about the sky above us saying: We decorated it with light producers like lamps, and then He says: and We made it as stoning to the Devils. Now this Christian from Egypt thought that Allah is speaking about the Light producers like Lamps being the stoning factors for the Devils. I am sad to say even many Muslims misunderstood this Ayah like this character did, let us correct all those who made this sad mistake.

      Let us seek more information from Allah about the first sky and the decorating factor in it, also what He says about those objects used for stoning the Devils? Let us do this one step at the time, let us look at the decoration first, Ayah 37:6-7 say:

إِنَّا زَيَّنَّا السَّمَاء الدُّنْيَا بِزِينَةٍ الْكَوَاكِبِ وَحِفْظًا مِّن كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ مَّارِدٍ

“We decorated the first sky with the decoration of the planets, and protected it from every skilled devil”. One time Allah said how He decorated with light producers, now He says: planets, in both He said how He protected it from the Devils too, then those planets must be light producing, and those make up the decoration, how? See, in the sky, also in the universe, there are planets that produce light, like the Sun, and there are billions of suns in the universe, our own system has one of them. Now we also have other planets that do not produce light, but they absorb them, or simply reflect them back to space. Look at the Moon as an example, the Moon does not produce light, it reflects what it receives from the Sun and this make it shine at night.

      Now, imagine if you want to stone some one, a man, or anything, will you carry a planet, or just a small stone one over a hundred of the size of the one you want to stone? Imagine what this Christian is saying: to stone a little creature like the devil, Allah uses a whole planet as big as the Sun itself, and this Christian from Egypt says: he is discussing Geography with us, I wonder what to say. Now if you think this Christian from Egypt is funny, you need to hear those Christians from the US who attack Allah and Qur’aan, or the Hindu, now those in the US and the Hindus who attack Islam take the cake. I never seen better clowns than those in the West also in the East. No dear naïve Christians from Egypt who attack Qur’aan with no shame; Allah does not need a whole planet as big as the Sun to stone a devil in your size.

      Fine, since using a planet is ridiculous, then what about the object of stoning used in the sky above, this leads us to seek more information. Ayah 72:8-9 say:

وَأَنَّا لَمَسْنَا السَّمَاء فَوَجَدْنَاهَا مُلِئَتْ حَرَسًا شَدِيدًا وَشُهُبًا وَأَنَّا كُنَّا نَقْعُدُ مِنْهَا مَقَاعِدَ لِلسَّمْعِ فَمَن يَسْتَمِعِ الْآنَ يَجِدْ لَهُ شِهَابًا رَّصَدًا

and we checked the sky, we found it filled with tough strong guards and flames of fire, we used to sit up there seeking information through listening, now whosoever wishes to listen will find a flame of fire waiting for them to hunt them down”. Now, please let us all notice the word used, the word is: وَشُهُبًا, also the word: شِهَابًا, what are the meaning of those words? I ran this word through the dictionary, though I did not need to, because I know the meaning, however this is done for your sake, the dictionary gave me the following meanings: meteor, meteoric, shooting star, why? The Meteorites always carry huge flames of fire on their tails. Therefore, the next time you see one, think: is it after a devil, because devils never learn?

      For the world; Meteorites are a big mystery, however, as everything else has simple explanation, also this does as well. We are not saying there are no other reasons, but we are saying: this also must be considered since it is mentioned. Therefore, Qur’aan says how the Devils will find a Meteorite with fire on its tail waiting for them if they try to listen. Now, as far as I am concerned I have a different interpretation here, I think the meaning is a huge flame of Fire, not a Meteor; I have my reasons as well.

To Be Continued

Arabic Qur’aan

Learn how to read Sourah 1

فَإِذَا قَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الْشَيْطَانِ الْرَجِيْم

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Very well, let us start learning how to read the sixth Ayah 1:6 today:

اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ

      اهدِنَــــا: Let us start with the silent ا A, but here we need to make it sonnd out, we will see how later Insha Allah. Then we have هـH also with no tone, followed by the letter دِ D with a dash at the bottom to make it sounds like Di. Followed by the letter نـَ N with a dash on top to make it sound like NA, and finally a silent ا A. the whole word reads like: Hdina, some make it sound like: Ihdina, and this is a better sound anyway.

الصِّرَاطَ: Silent ا A that is not spoken here, followed by a silent لـ L that is pronounced, and the letter صـِّ Sss comes next (S like Stock, not like Stack). Now we have the letter رَ R with a dash on top to make it sounds like: RA, followed by a silent ا A, and a silent ط T like in Talk. Now the whole word sounds like: Lsirata . 

      المُستَقِيمَ: A silent ا A and not pronounced, followed by a silent لـ L but pronounced, then the letter مـُ M with a the tone of ُ on top to make it sound like Mu. A silent سـ C, and then the letter تـَ T with a dash on top to make it sound like TA. Now we have the letter قـِ Q with a dash at the bottom to make is sounds like QI. Then we have a silent يـ E. Now we finish with the letter م M with a dash on top to make it sound like MA if we continue reading. Let us read the whole Ayah: Ihdinal Siratal Mustaqeim.

      Please notice that when you read this Ayah correctly, this will enables you to read many words like its words in the Noble Qur’aan, every Ayah is so wonderful, and a great help.

      For those who missed the previous lessons, please send me an E mail, or visit the website at http://rahjx.net/msad.htm

      To Be Continued


رَبِّيْ زِدْنِي عِلْماً والْحقِقْنِي بِالْصَالِِحِيْن وِالْحَمْدُ لِلَّه رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
