
Qur’aan Deep Study-11

Why Jihad became an offense

      Al Hamdu Lillah, Masha Allah, La Quah Illa Billah. Ya Allah, I am calling on you, because most of us forgot on who they need to call, Ya Allah I am seeking your help, most of us forgot how you are the only one capable of helping, please make me live in the shade of your words, and put your words of the Noble Qur’aan in my heart and in my actions. And the end of our Dua: Al Hamdu Lillah Rabbal Aaalamein in this life and at the other end.

      Al Salaam Aleikum, when I ask you where is your Jihad, I mean your work for the sake of Allah, when you see an opportunity like this knowledge, to share with Muslims world wide. My friend, Jihad does not only mean fighting, we will discuss this issue today, because many do not understand what Jihad means. The first words in Qur’aan are:

Bismmillah Al Rahmaan Al Raheim   بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

We are still talking about the name of Allah, in each name Allah has; there are endless blessings for us as human beings, He created us, and He cares about us a lot, what is the blessing in His name: Allah? The name Allah is all about worship, and about distinguishing good worship from that which is not. There are names about every need creation has, indicating how Allah is the one who provides and cares about, when saying: Allah means the need to worship, meaning what? Why people worship, what is the purpose, this differs with the different faith people have, how? Let us look at couple of examples, and try to study a little bit.

      Most, not all, Christians worship Jesus in hope this worship may lead them to Paradise, there book is clear about worshiping any other apart from the true LORD, this leads to Hell no question asked, this is why most promoted Jesus to a God in hope this will work, and it wont. Hindu worship men in a ton, and all kinds of other things that makes no sense, all in the hope to break the cycle of incarnation to become Gods on different planets, their hopes are Ludicrous, as if the universe is in need of many Gods, one is not good enough. In Every faith there is sadness that is so huge, how about Islam, is Islam riding the same nightmare as others are?

      What we as Muslims wish for when we worship Allah, are we in our ignorance promoting a man to a God as Christians and Hindu are doing, no we are not. We know Allah is not a game we can play with as they do, Allah is greater and above all the childish notions people have. When we worship Allah, this worship is not done for Allah; this is done for our sake and not His sake, how? Let us say: none of us worships Allah, would that reduce in anything He has, no it wont, would that effect Allah in any way, no this is the furthest from such, then worshiping Allah doesn’t add or take away what Allah has. The difference is in us, for us, and none other. See, in this lifetime, Allah provided all the wonderful blessings before He brought us, we did not ask, we are born, we find everything ready, all we have to do is to enjoy.

      However, since everything has a price, also those blessings today have a price, however, when talking about prices, the things Allah gave us has prices we cannot afford to pay, let us lead an example to bring things closer to the hearts. Take the Air that we breathe 24/7 nonstop, we breathe when we are awake, we breath when we sleep, did you pay for any of such? Imagine yourself under water, and you ran out of Air, how long can you last, do you understand how important Air is for your life, in such moment you may be willing to pay millions for few minutes of Air if you can have. The same goes for every blessing Allah gave us, look what kind of blessing is in each of such, Ayah 14:34 says:

وَآتَاكُم مِّن كُلِّ مَا سَأَلْتُمُوهُ وَإِن تَعُدُّواْ نِعْمَتَ اللّهِ لاَ تُحْصُوهَا إِنَّ الإِنسَانَ لَظَلُومٌ كَفَّارٌ

“Allah gave you from all what you asked of Him, and if you count the number of blessings in each gift He gave you, you will not be able to count such, how unjust is man, and how much He disbelieves in what Allah gave him/her”. Look at anything you have, like the tongue, you speak to be understood, which means a good communication tool, imagine the suffering of the Mute, who cannot express themselves like some of us? Tongues are for singing and relief in distress, or adding Joy to the hearts, or reciting the Qur’aan with a beautiful way that makes our heart chant with every word in the Noble Qur’aan. Tongues distinguish the taste, then we enjoy that which is sweat, and that which is sour, tongues distinguish that which is hot and that which is not.

To Be Continued Insha Allah

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Is Qur’aan from Allah?

      Al Salaam Aleikum, today I like us to take a short break from debating this sad Christian from Egypt, I would like to discuss a simple issue that came across my E mail. I sent the last time a message and called it: where is your Jihad for the sake of Allah, in response I received a couple of messages, one of which said: You appear to be a literate person who enjoys words. I too enjoy words and thoughts and theories but is the action that people take which demonstrates there true intensions. So why do Muslims attack and murder non believers? And why do Muslims continue the cycle of death and hate? And another said: The maker & sustainer of this world (& cosmos!) could not have need of one atom of it.  He could just tear it up & start all over.   He's got all eternity.  Thus all who commit violence or the threat of violence to advance any religion, ritual, interpretation belief or practice could not possibly be of that.  This is something ALL Muslims need to hear, undrstand & acknowledge. We open no attachments ever!

      Let me answer the first by saying: it breaks my heart to see how Muslims went to deep sleep for too long, how Muslims got occupied in the silly things in this life, leaving behind their backs that which is most important. If Muslims were doing their Job, we will not have people in the world asking those sad questions and see how ignorant the world became about us Muslims. My friend, it is not the duty of a Muslims to play with words, or attacking and murder non believers, we do not cycle death and hate, so please, if you are sincere in your questions, I would love to give answers, but I wonder if you are truly willing to understand and listen? Let us pick up your attack one step at the time here, and see if you have any justice in it, I also beg all Muslims, please for Allah’s sake wake up, please people wake up, take from me what I share and reach others like this kind man who do not know what is Islam.

      You said: enjoys words, this is so strange, if we carry arms to defend ourselves you do not like that, and if we speak you want to shut us up, are we in the time when we are not even allowed to speak any more for just being Muslims? I do not see the US shutting up those evil who attack Allah Himself, attaching Qur’aan, and attacking Muhammad SAW with stupid lies, this attack was at times with words, then with occupying and destroying our countries with lies as well. If you are a Christian, did not Jesus tell you: do not tell your brother let me remove the little tooth pick from your eye, while you as a Christian forget to remove the Log (huge piece) from yours? If you did not listen to Satan Advocates amongst you with their stupid lies about us, we do hear all the time and we would need to defend ourselves.

      You asked: why do Muslims attack and murder non believers? Now we are at a fork in the road ahead of us, either you spoke the truth here that Muslims attack non believers, or you are acting like a talking bird repeating the lies they keep telling you in your gatherings and communions. Let us say: you spoke the truth, then this brings us again into another fork, we need to ask: if this is done according to the orders of Allah, or the evil temptations of the hearts and the sad books in Muslims hands that Allah has nothing to do with? I do not care to discuss in what books this is found (I do not even know if we have them), but I do care to see what Allah had to say about this, Allah in my heart and the hearts of all Muslims is greater than all others, even greater than the prophets who Muhammad SAW was one of them.

      Not even one Ayah (verse) in Qur’aan justifies what you said, not one Ayah (verse) in Qur’aan tells Muslims to be aggressive. Now let me explain to my readers what lies behind your words when you said: attack and murder non believers, what our kind friend means by saying we attack, and what he means when he says we kill? Now the key to his words, which may help all understand what he is trying to ask: is his words: non believers, therefore, this attack and killing is based over there faith which is different than ours Muslims. When I answer the other reader, who misunderstands what is Jihad as our kind friend here does not even have a clue what Jihad is, both non Muslim and the Muslim in their sad understanding think Jihad means: strap a belt of bombs around your waste and blow up some innocent civilians somewhere. This nightmare we are living in non Muslims, but worse is the case when this miserable understanding lives in Muslims a well, Jihad is a wonderful way of life, not an evil tool that seek innocent’s lives as most think, and we will discuss Insha Allah when I answer the second reader.

      I can see how this is going to take more than one message, therefore let us take a long break from this sad Christian from Egypt, how it breaks my heart to see the number of those sad Christians who attack Islam is growing out of proportion be it in the West or even among us in Muslim countries. How sad are those stupid the Korean’s Church that sent people to Afghanistan to convert us Muslims to the darkness of Christian faith? Taliban caught asking to exchange prisoners, the US is standing firm ordering Afghan government never to discuss with Taliban, stupid Bush lost his war against Taliban, and will make us loose the lives of those Koreans as well with his stupidity, I wonder when the world will wake up and Bush is no more a president. 

To Be Continued

Arabic Qur’aan

Learn how to read Sourah 1

فَإِذَا قَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الْشَيْطَانِ الْرَجِيْم

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Very well, let us start learning how to read the sixth Ayah 1:7 today:

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ

      صِرَاطَ: starting with صـِ S like in Salt with a dash under to make it sound Si, then the letter ر R with a dash on top to make it sound like RA, then a silent ا A that is not even pronounced, finally the letter طَ T in Talk with a dash on top to make it sound like TtA. The whole word sounds like: Sirata, taking into consideration the S sounds like S in Salt, and the T sounds like T in Talk.

      الَّذِين: Silent ا A that is not spoken here, followed by the letter لـَّ L with two tones, one is ّ that doubles the sound of the letter and also a Dash on top to give it the sound of: LLA. Then the letter ذِ TH in THE, with a Dash under to make it sound like THI. Then the letter يـ E with a little extension because of the Dash under the letter before it. Then we have the letter نَ N with a Dash on top to give the sound of NA if we continue reading, and no tone if we stop. Now the whole word joined with the one before it: Siratal Latheina.

      أَنعَمتَ: We have the letter أ A with the little ء on top and make it sounds like clear A as in Apple. Then we have a silent نـ N, followed by the letter ـعـَ (please refer back to the table I gave you at the very beginning for the sound), also this has a Dash on top. Then the letter ـمـ M silent but pronounced. Finally we have the letter تَ T with a Dash on top to make it sound like TA. Now the whole word sounds like: Anaamta. Please refer to the table of the letters for the aa or to the link I gave you for the many recitation of the Noble Qur’aan. Those who missed the first messages can visit my home page and pick them up one message at the time.

      عَلَيهِمْ: starting with the letter عـَ Aa with a Dash on top, then the letter لـَ L with a Dash on top to make it sounds like LA. Then we have the letter يـ E kind of silent with no tone, followed by the letter ـهـِ H with a Dash at the bottom, to make it sounds like HI, finally the letter مْ M with the silent tone ْ , this makes the whole word read: Aalihim.

      غَيرِ: We have the leter غـَ GH with a Dash on top to make it sound like GHA, then the letter يـْ E with no tone, kind of silent, followed by the letter رِ R with a Dash at the bottom to make it sounds like RI, the whole word reads: Ghari.

      المَغضُوبِ: Starting with a silent ا A, and a silent لـ M, then the letter مـَ M with a Dash on top to make it sounds like MA. We have a silent ـغـ GH, followed by the letter ضـُ DD with the tone of ُ on top to make it sounds like: DDU. Then kind of a silent و W, followed by the letter رِ R with a dash at the bottom to make it sounds like RI. The whole word joined with the one before to read: Gharil Maghddubi.

      عَلَيهِمْ: Starting with the letter عـَ EE with a Dash on top, then the letter لـَ L with a Dash on top to make it sounds like LA. Then we have kind of a silent يـ E, followed by the letter ـهـِ H with a dash at the bottom to make it sounds like: HI, followed by a silent مْ M, which makes the whole word reads: Aalaihim. 

      وَلاَ: the letter و W with a Dash on top to sound like: WA, then the letters لا LA kind of silent, this reads: Wala.

      الضَّالِّينَ: start with a silent ا A, and a silent ل L, then the letter ضـَّ DD with the tones of ّ for doubling the sound, also the tone of َ to make it sound like DDA. We see a silent ا A, then the letter لـَّ L also with the tones: ّ & ِ followed by a silent يـ E, and an ن N with a Dash on top to make it sound like: NA. The whole word is joined with what is before to read: Walal DDaaalein. The whole Ayah reads like: Siratal Latheina Anaamta Aaleihim, Ghairil Mghdubi Aaleihim, Walal DDaaalein.

      For previous lessons, please send me an E mail, or visit the Home Page at http://rahjx.net/msad.htm

      To Be Continued


رَبِّيْ زِدْنِي عِلْماً والْحقِقْنِي بِالْصَالِِحِيْن وِالْحَمْدُ لِلَّه رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
