Afrikan Revolutionary Soldier
Some Aspects of the Ideology, Objective, and
Program of the


African People all over the world are
suffering from exploitation. It is only in
this light that we can understand the poverty
of African People when Africa is one of the
richest continents in the world.

The All-African People's Revolutionary
(A-APRP) knows that the root of this
exploitation is economic. We are certain that
its inevitable end can only be achieved
through the political unification of the
African continent. This is an indispensable
first step.

The only thing that Africa lacks to control
her destiny is a Pan-African political Party.
African People the world over are politically
disorganized, with few exceptions. It is
here that, the All-African People's
Revolutionary Party comes to play her full
role in making her humble contributions in
the continuing struggle to organize our


African in the Diaspora (those who live
outside of Africa), are scattered in over
sixty countries. A Pan-Africanist political
Party understands that "all People of African
descent, whether they live in North or South
America, the Caribbean or in any part of the
world; are Africans, and belong to the African
Nation". Kwame Nkrumah, CLASS STRUGGLE IN
AFRICA, page 87.

Pan-Africanism: the total liberation and
unification of Africa under scientific
socialism, is a historically determined
inevitability. It is the only objective which
can end the suffering of African People
scattered, suffering and struggling all over
the world. That is why it is the objective of
the All-African People's Revolutionary Party.

The history of Africa demonstrates that
Pan-Africanism is a natural evolutionary
process. Some of the characteristics of this
process include:

. the cluster of humanist principles
underlying the cultural unity of Africa.

. the constant migration of African People
which provided for more contact among the

. the movement towards building bigger and
bigger African states.

The thrust for revolutionary Pan-Africanism is
a result of the capitalist penetration and
rape of Africa, which intensified in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The
brutal exploitation which Africa suffered
under slavery, colonialism and settler-
colonialism is well known. Unified African
resistance is the only logical response.

The mass resistance against these diabolical
forces continues to gather momentum. From
Soweto, Azania/South Africa; to Nova Scotia,
Canada; slave uprisings, urban rebellions and
guerilla warfare were constant occurrences and
will remain so until we achieve
Pan-Africanism. Our struggle has been and
remains a long one.

In 1900, Pan-Africanism was capable of
assuming modern organizational expression and
form. The First Pan-African Conference was
held in London, England. During this period,
Pan-Africanist forces sprung up wherever
African people were scattered.

Henry Sylvester Williams (born in Trinidad),
Duse Mohammed Effendi (also known as Duse
Mohammed Ali, born in Egypt); the Honorable
Marcus Garvey, (who founded the Universal
Negro Improvement Association, born in
Jamaica); and W. E. B. DuBois, (who was one of
the founders of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People, born in the
U.S.); were some of Pan-Africanism immortal
organizers. They were followed by J.T.
Jabavu and others, (born in Azania/South
Africa, who founded the African National
Congress of South Africa); Joseph Casely
Hayford, (born in Ghana, who founded the
National Congress of British West Africa); and
Jose de Magalahaes, (born in Brazil, who
founded the Liga Africana to represent the
Africans living in Portugal and the Portuguese
colonies of Africa and South America.) There
were countless others, far too numerous to

From the First Pan-African Conference which
was held in England in 1900, through the Sixth
Pan-African Conference in 1974 in Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania; we have been trying to
better coordinate the world-wide
Pan-African Movement.

The 5th Pan-African Conference which was held
in 1945 in Manchester, England, and was Co-
chaired by Kwame Nkrumah and W.E.B. DuBois,
represented a qualitative transformation in
the African Revolution. This Conference
clearly and uncompromisingly outlined the
necessity for a mass character to the African
Revolution, and called for the revolutionary
political education and organization of the
masses of African People.

This process gained intensity with the
organization of the Democratic Party of Guinea
(PDG) in 1947, under the leadership of the
great Ahmed Seku Ture; and of the Convention
People's Party (CPP) in 1949, under the
leadership of Osagefyo Kwame Nkrumah.
Numerous other Parties such as the Tanzanian
African National Union (TANU), (now called
Chama Cha Mapineuzi); under the leadership of
Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, sprouted up

In a short 12 years since the 5th Pan-African
Conference, the objective and subjective
conditions had ripened making it possible to
firmly and irrevocably root the Pan-African
Movement in Africa, on the continent of Africa
for the first time; and to create for the
first time a genuine, mass, revolutionary,
African, political organizations. Mass
Parties and mass Movements spread to every
corner of Africa and the African Diaspora,
intensifying the mass struggles for
democratic and human rights and national

Three major water-shed events occurred in 1957
and 1958, the attainment of independence of
Ghana, then Guinea and the convening of the
first All-African Peoples Conference in
Ghana, signaling the maturation of this phase
of the African Revolution. The struggle for
democratic and human rights, for national
liberation and unification, and for scientific
socialism; took on a continental, and even
world-wide (wherever African People have been
dispersed) scale.

From the First Pan-African Conference through
the Sixth Pan-African Conference which was
held in 1974 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;
African revolutionaries have come, through
experience, to properly understand that Africa
can only be fully liberated and unified
through mass, revolutionary political action.

Today, the task of Pan-Africanism is to build
a mass Party which will include the fusion of
already existing revolutionary Parties.
Africa can only be fully liberated and unified
through mass, revolutionary action.

It is this task which the All-African People's
Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) voluntarily and
enthusiastically has chosen to undertake.


In 1966 Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah's book entitled
for the "formation of the A-APRP to
co-coordinate policies and to direct action...
A political Party linking all liberated
territories and struggling Parties under a
common ideology; and thus smoothing the way
for continental unity...While at the same time
greatly assisting the prosecution of the
All-African People's War" (pg 56-57)

WARFARE further provided the Pan-African
Movement with an analytical and strategic
framework which enabled a new generation of
African youth to accelerate a world wide
effort to lay the foundation for the emergence
of the All-African Peoples Revolutionary

A small Cadre of African youth born and living
in Africa, the U.S., the Caribbean, Canada and
Europe immediately began to work,
propagandizing about the necessity to build
the All-African People's Revolutionary Party.

Attempts to organize the first Work-Study
Circle, the basic unit of the A-APRP, were
made in Guinea in early 1969, when Osagefyo
Kwame Nkrumah was Co-President. This first
Work-Study Circle included Africans born in
Ghana, Trinidad, Gambia, Cameroon, Nigeria and

Since 1969, the A-APRP has recruited into its
ranks Africans born in over 72 countries in
Africa, the Caribbean, North, Central and
South America and Europe. In addition, the
A-APRP has developed a strong world-wide base
of supporters and allies. This is testimony
to the quantity and quality of work done to
build the A-APRP thus far, and speaks even
more eloquently to the future potential.

The A-APRP is a product of the relentless
struggle within the Pan-African Movement for
ideological clarity, scientific and precise
objectives and revolutionary, mass, Pan
African, political organization.

The A-APRP represents a quantitative and
qualitative development in our long history of
struggle against class exploitation and
national oppression in all its various
manifestations and forms, including centuries
of enslavement, dispersion, depersonalization,
balkanization, and domination of Africa.

The A-APRP emerges from and heralds an
intensification of the African and larger
world-wide struggle for democratic rights, for
national independence and unity and for
scientific socialism. At the same time, it
uncompromisingly and unceasingly fights for
the inevitable destruction of capitalism,
imperialism, settler-colonialism,
neo-colonialism, racism, exploitation of
women, zionism, and all unjust systems.

The A-APRP knows that "the core of the Black
(African) Revolution is in Africa and until
Africa is united under a socialist government,
the Black man (African) throughout the world
lacks a national home. (Accordingly) the
total liberation and unification of Africa
under an All-African socialist government must
be the primary objective of all Black
(African) Revolutionaries throughout the

"It is an objective, which when achieved will
bring about the fulfillment of the aspirations
of African and people of African descent
everywhere. It will at the same time advance
the triumph of the international socialist
Revolution", Kwame Nkrumah, THE HANDBOOK OF


"Ideological training, revolutionary ideology
is the modern weapon used by the oppressed
Peoples to overcome their insufficiencies, to
meet the challenge of the power of
exploitation. Revolutionary ideology is the
infallible arm that reveals and develops the
people's genius. All revolutionary Parties
agree on this." Ahmed Seku Ture, STRATEGY

On the question of organization, it is in the
arena of ideological consciousness, that
African People are most lacking. Ideology has
fundamental principles, including its own
belief about the nature of man and woman, and
about the type of society which must be
created. It is these fundamental principles
which help in designing and controlling the
type of organization found in the society.
"The same principles give rise to a network
of purposes which fix what compromises are
possible or not possible", Kwame Nkrumah,

An ideology therefore seeks to unite the whole
of society and seeks to channel the energies
of the society to predetermined goals. Thus
"the ideology of the society is total. It
embraces the whole of life of a People and
manifests itself in their class-structure,
their history, literature, art, religion",
Nkrumah, CONSCIENCISM, page 59.

Every society has an ideology, whether the
members of that society are conscious or
unconscious of it. Ideology comes from
culture! Ahmed Seku Ture has correctly
explained, that "by culture, we understand all
the material and immaterial works of art and
science, plus knowledge, manners, education, a
mode of thought, behavior and attitudes,
accumulated by the People both from the hold
and domination of nature; we also include the
result of their efforts to destroy
deviationist politics, social systems of
domination and exploitation through the
productive process of social life". (Taken

Every People therefore have a culture,
enjoying both the universal aspects common to
all cultures and their own particularity.
Every People also have their own correct
ideology. In order for the People to make a
continuous contribution to their sacred
struggle, all of the People must be
consciously aware of this ideology.

The Africa which the A-APRP is struggling to
help reconstruct is a revolutionary society, a
classless society which contains a new
harmony, a new cohesiveness and a new
revolutionary African personality which
upholds the positive aspects of our
traditional African way of life, retaining
them as the foundation, and yet incorporating
the positive aspects of Islamic and Euro-
Christian intrusions.

A new, emergent, revolutionary ideology is
therefore required to achieve this task. That
ideology is Nkrumahism.

Nkrumahism is the correct and scientific
ideology for the African Revolution. It takes
its name from the consistent, Revolutionary,
socialist, Pan-African principles, practice
and policies followed, implemented and taught
by Kwame Nkrumah; one of the foremost
exponents and practioners of the scientific
strategy to liberate and unify Africa under
scientific socialism. These principles are
recorded in his speeches, writings actions,
achievements and life.

Nkrumahism synthesizes the revolutionary
contributions of all the great Africans such
as Garvey, Ahmed Seku Ture, Kwame Nkrumah,
Patrice Lumumba, Malcolm X, and countless
other sons and daughters of Africa.

In a larger, more full and complete sense;
Nkrumahism is the dialectical synthesis of the
accumulated practical and theoretical
contributions and achievements of centuries
and generations of revolutionary, Pan-African
and larger socialist struggles.

Nkrumahism is the dialectical application of
the universal laws of revolutionary growth and
development to the particular conditions of
Africa and Her Children, scattered all over
the world. Its concrete, living manifestation
is to be found in the creative contributions
of the present day African Revolution.

Nkrumahism provides the masses of African
People with a set of uncompromising
principles, a scientific, revolutionary view
of Africa and the world, a scientific
methodology and a set of analytical tools
which enable the masses of African People to
correctly interpret, understand and change the
African historical experience, and redeem and
reconstruct the African Personality.

It provides the masses of African People with
a social, political, philosophical and
economic theory which constitutes a complete
network of principles, beliefs, values, morals
and rules which guide our behavior, determine
the form which our institutions and
organizations will take, and acts as a
cohesive force which binds us together, guides
and directs our revolutionary action and
channels it toward the achievement of Pan-
Africanism and the inevitable triumph of
socialism, world-wide.

Some of the principles of Nkrumahism include:

understanding that the struggle for a
unified, socialist Africa must be the
primary aspect of our lives.

which produces Africans who at all times and
under all conditions, struggle to insure
that the interests of all of the masses of
our People reign supreme over the interests
of any individual, groups, class or part of
Africa; which produces men and women who are
honest, dedicated and willing to suffer and
sacrifice in service to Mother Africa and
world humanity.

3) COLLECTIVISM - the philosophical and
practical understanding that the groups is
responsible for the individual, and that the
individual is in turn, responsible to the
group, that they are dialectically linked;
with the interests of the group supreme, and
the understanding that individual
development proceeds from the group and must
in turn contribute to the welfare of the

which constitute a science that enables us
to analyze the permanent and irreversible
changes that nature, the world, human life
and society undergo. The most notable of
these changes are those changes which occur
when the masses of oppressed People take
their destiny into their hands and through
revolution, bring fundamental and positive
changes to society and to their lives.
Revolutions occur and succeed because of the
qualitative and quantitative changes that
occur in the thinking and action of
conscious men and women.

5) SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM - which implies
common ownership of the means of production,
distribution and exchange; production for
use and not for profit, planned methods of
production by the state, based on modern
industry and agriculture; political power in
the hands of the People with the entire body
of Workers possessing the necessary
governmental machinery through which to
express their needs and aspirations.

It is a concept in keeping with the humanist
and egalitarian spirit which characterized
traditional African society, though it must
be applied in the modern context. All are
Workers and no person exploits another.
Application of scientific methods in all
spheres of thought and production.

6) RELIGION AND REVOLUTION - both of which
properly uphold the interest of humanity,
the nation and the laboring masses. Truly
religious tenets uphold the principles of
equality, humanism, egalitarianism, and all
of the connotations of socialist political
and economic justice. A truly religious
person therefore must be a truly socialist
person in practice, since God is always for
justice and actively fighting against

Revolution must respect religion and
safeguard the religion's integrity and the
right of the People to worship in the manner
in which they believe. Someone who is not
religious, but who renders revolutionary
service to the People, will encounter no
conflict with truly religious People.

- the masses of the People are the only
makers of history. In order to liberate
themselves, the People need a mass,
revolutionary political Party which can help
them politically educate and organize
themselves and galvanize their Positive


Nkrumah properly analyzed that all of Africa,
especially "the countryside is the bastion of
the revolution. It is the revolutionary
battlefield in which the peasantry in alliance
with their natural class allies-proletariat
and revolutionary intelligentsia-are the
driving force for socialist construction and
transformation". Nkrumah, CLASS STRUGGLE IN
AFRICA, page 79.

The paramount need of our struggle at this
juncture is the political education of the
masses of our People in order to make them
conscious of their responsibility. It is the
revolutionary intelligentsia who possess the
skills necessary for the rapid fulfillment of
this task.

Thus, in the current stage of Party building
activities, the primary focus of the A-APRP's
political education, recruitment and
organizing activities is the revolutionary
intelligentsia, especially college students.

The A-APRP wants to make it clear, at this
stage, any African can and is encouraged to
join the A-APRP. Our immediate task however,
is to organize A-APRP Work-Study Circles on
every college campus in the African world;
thereby creating the initial cadre base which
can politically educate and organize the
masses of oppressed Africans world-wide.


The only program of the A-APRP is: BUILD THE
PARTY! Osagefyo Kwame Nkrumah informs us that
"Organization decides everything."

Some of the Party activities and work

- internal and external mass political

- organizing and recruiting African students
in order for them to serve their proper role
as the "shock troops", the "spark" of the
African Revolution.

- struggling to build an African United
Front in the U.S., England and France.

- struggling to build a Coalition to Smash
Zionism, and support the Palestine
Liberation Organization.

- struggling to build a Coalition to Smash
the FBI-CIA and other imperialist
intelligence agencies.

- institutionalizing African Liberation Day,

If you are really tired of the suffering of
our People, who are scattered and struggling
in every corner of the world, and you really
want to help bring about a positive change in
their lives; then you must scientifically give
time to our People's sacred struggle.

We do it for capitalism, for school, for our
clubs, for our church, mosque or temple; for
recreation. We give of our energy, our time
and our commitment for these and other
activities we hold dear. We must give out
time and energies to political organizations
seeking to advance us.

We encourage everyone reading this pamphlet to
join any political organization seeking to
advance humanity. We urge you to join a
revolutionary political Party working for
Pan-Africanism: the only solution to all of
the problems our People face in every corner
of the world.


2007-09-27 Thu 19:13ct